petak, 24.11.2006.

Za Ivanu...

I don't know what I'm saying
And it's a lie I know why
'Cause it wouldn't change things
Or take back the time
I can’t pretend
It's not like I didn’t try
But it makes me sick
Just smile and smile
Now when there's no way out
Let’s start with an unblemished truth
(What ever that is)
I learned to stand the pain
Without vanity tears

How cruel, now we both know the lost rule,
It seems love was not enough
No one can love no matter of what
So they try to deny the saddest part of love story
'Cause it takes shine of indelible glory
Now we see there's no reason to fight
'Cause the truth is like the missing brittle light
Shining miserable trough the night
Don't pretend like we didn't know
From the beginning the end of this frail song

Didn't you want so badly from me to show
How does it feel to live like you are dying alone
Holding the oblation of golden hate
But now for retreat is too late
In this everlasting story of foolin’ the fate
Only the death can be great
You confront me with deception of men
With the worm disillusion behind the porcelain mask
I was given the answer I didn't ask
What else can I do except playin' the part
Oh, can't you understand
You can't kill memories of broken heart

The melody of truth always sings the same
In the end there's no one to blame
What you want me to say
That is alright just let the soul burn away
Carve it out in chamber of pain
We try, we failed and found ourselves here again
In this cold place like the fallen angels on the rain,
Erasing torn up lines of broken fame
Praying that feelin' of sickness we can't stand
Would just imperceptibly fade away
Strangled in oblivion of human vain…

- 18:52 -

Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 08.11.2006.


...I'm so tired...
and i feel so alone... left me here
and i can't stop staring at the phone...
I feel so cold,
so cold that my blood is freezin'
and the heart stops beatin'
so i go with the flow
tryin' to hold on
and i don't even know why
'cause all that i have now are this tears that I cry...
I feel so lost...
...lost in a space
just confused 'cause i try to keep what i don't have the time that's not ment for me
so afraid of what's gonna be...
like I'm gettin' smaller
when I'm standing in this place
lost in time,
lost in space....
...Do you know how it hurts
when all fears come on the throne
...can't you see me bleedin'
when all hope is gone...?
So quiet they keep whispering in my head
those words
so harsh, so cruel
... : "You'll be dead.."
So, darin' I hope now you know
how it feels when

P.S. Za sve pogreske u jeziku i bilo cem drugom, pozivam se na prava pjesnicke slobode iako je suditi po pjesmama prava bi mi bila prilicno jadna jer po videnom nisu ni pjesma bolje... Molim osobu kojoj je ovo posveceno, dakle Niku, da se ne uvrijedi ak joj je pjesma grozna, jer nisam ja kriva sto imam sugave mogucnosti izrazavanja. i pozdrav svim mojim curama,u slucaju da vam se nekim cudom i svida ovo gore slijedi nesto i za vas... so let me know... puse

- 17:14 -

Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 11.10.2006.


Za sve moje malene koje su me pilale da napisem nesto pametno o ovom svijetu, jer da nije njih nebi morali citati sve moje gluposti.....

Nakon niza bezuspjesnih pokusaja da objavim neki posteni post na ovom blogu, mislim da sam stvarno zasluzila da mi ovaj put upali. Inace se odricem ovog bloga i svih svojih nada da cu ikad postati informaticki strucnjak. iskreno, ponekad mislim da je to jedino u cemu sam uistinu dobra u zivotu- odustajanje... nije li to naposlijetku najlaksa stvar za uciniti? samo odes i ostavis sve, kao da nista nikad nije bilo vazno... zatvoriti oci pred odrazom na zrcalu da ne bi vidjeli suze i otici... daleko... daleko od svega... u mraku jer ionako nista nije sigurno kad se svijetlo upali i vise nismo isti jer biti drugaciji jednako je bolno kao i biti samo jedan od mnogih... i kako itko moze reci da se nesto ostavlja kad nikad nista nije uistinu nase...? i moze li biti gore nego kad sami u sebi vidite samo prazninu, tupu prazniku koja ispunjva svaki i najmanji djelic onog zemaljskog sto dise u vama... ? ne mogu si pomoci... ne mogu... i bojim se... jako se bojim... najradje bih otisla, uistinu zasto ne, ionako nikad nista vise nisam ni napravila... otisal bih , samo kad bi mogla ... ali ne mogu okrenuti leda svemu... na kraju svega mozda je i imao pravo- stalo mi je....
nemojte se nikad vezati... jer prije ili kasnije svi odu... ... a kad odu ostvljaju samo prazninu u vama... i mozda jedino bice koje cete ikad voljeti na poslijetku progutat ce tama....

- 19:46 -

Komentari (9) - Isprintaj - #

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